"To Gutter Or Not To Gutter" Is Not A Question

gutters and downspout along a roof

A question often asked and a problem often found is about either the complete absence of a gutter system on a house or one that is either incomplete, improperly installed, or not effectively drained.

There are builders & homeowners alike that consider guttering an option and I will explain here why they actually are a necessary part of a water management system and can affect both the structure itself and landscaping if not installed and maintained.

My favorite example of how excessive moisture around the base of the house can affect the structure is what I call the "Beer Bottle Syndrome" Most of us have experienced putting a warm beer or soft drink in the freezer with the idea of rapidly cooling off the beverage and then promptly forgotten that it was in there. And what happens when we finally remember? Swollen bottle and broken glass, not to mention a ruined beverage... This is the direct result of the water content expanding when it freezes.

So now imagine in late fall or early winter where we have a rainstorm followed by very low temperatures where the ground around the base of the house is saturated and freezes.

This same phenomenon in soil is known as "frost heaving" and can put undue pressure on the foundation and structure. Will this damage the house immediately?, No. Can it affect the structure over the long term?, Most definitely.

If the house is built over a crawlspace or basement you have the added concern over water intrusion under the building which can cause a multitude of issues including structural damage to wood framing members and potential mold growth.

There are also issues of potential soil erosion and undermining of the foundation itself to consider since significant amounts of water are both collected and discharged from the roof, particularly during heavy rainfall.

The moral of this story? Installing a seamless gutter and downspout system making sure to extend the discharge leaders out and away from the base of the house to try to keep the area as dry as possible.

The addition of gutter guards which will minimize (not eliminate) maintenance are recommended since walking on roofs for cleaning the gutters is a safety hazard and best left to professionals.


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