Fungus Among Us

mold spore example

Contrary to popular belief mold , or fungi for you scientific types, is actually everywhere on the planet. It serves a critical role in nature by breaking down organic materials into simpler components, part of the natural process of decomposition.

In terms of human beings the issue becomes exposure to certain types and amounts inside our living spaces where it can cause a number of health related issues not to mention damage to the house itself and personal belongings.

Some people have enhanced allergies to certain types of mold, other molds are actually infectious in nature, and thirdly there are species that actually omit toxic byproducts which if inhaled can damage soft lung tissue.

What is the best strategy for dealing with this potential hazards? Very simply, moisture control…

The mold spores are already present in the air and on organic materials in your home, IE house plants.

Your house is made primarily out of plant materials, IE low nitrogen cellulose, paper face of sheetrock, wood framing members, jute back carpet, etc.

The condition inside of the home is temperate, ideal for mold growth, IE mold will not grow below freezing temperatures.

The food is there, the right temperature is there, the spores are there, the only thing needed for mold growth at this point is moisture, somewhere around 20 % moisture content will do just fine.

Plumbing leaks, roof leaks, foundation leaks, excessive relative moisture content from not using kitchen or bathroom ventilation fans can all contribute to setting up ideal situations for excessive indoor mold growth.

So just consider that moisture control is by far your best option to both prevent and address any mold concerns for the occupants.

A qualified, experienced inspector with specialized moisture testing equipment can be vital to help identify these sources of sometimes hidden moisture intrusion so that proactive action can be taken to address existing and potential mold contamination.

Advanced Home Inspections has special training and always carries mold sampling equipment with them in cases where additional identification or airborne mold contamination is either suspect or recommended after discovery.


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