Formaldehyde Issues

Inspired by CBS' Formaldehyde Story

composite flooring examples

In 2015 you may have seen or heard about a CBS 60 minutes news broadcast expose about off gassing formaldehyde concerns from certain "floating Laminate" flooring products produced in China. Formaldehyde based glues are sometimes used in the manufacture of wood or wood composite products.

It is a well known fact that certain levels of formaldehyde found in the indoor environment can have significant negative health consequences such as acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) inhalation from exposure , respiratory symptoms, and eye, nose, and throat irritation. Limited human studies have reported an association between formaldehyde exposure and lung and nasopharyngeal cancer.

If you happen to have this particular product installed in your home there are a number of tests available to determine the actual indoor levels and use this information to compare minimum air quality standards used both by the EPA and the California Air Quality Board. (CARB Phase 2)

If this is a concern, you may want to contact a qualified third party professional who can provide these tests so that you can either respond to the potential issue or have peace of mind that safe levels were found.

Advanced Home Inspections can provide this type of third party testing and can be contacted at (479) 420-4155

Click for the full story


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