Hail Season is Here

piece of hail sitting on roof

So, spring has arrived at last! The Jonquils, Daffodils & Forsythia are in bloom, the air is starting to warm and spring storms come rolling in off of the flat plains of Oklahoma. Life is good.

But along with the re-birth and rejuvenation come violent weather patterns with tornado activity and hail storms.

Outside of heading for shelter when warned and making sure yard items are secured against high winds there is nothing that can prepare you or your house from potential hail damage.

Hail will appear randomly and the damage that it can inflict actually is just about as random.   I have seen houses with extensive damage to roof shingles with adjacent houses showing little or no damage from the same event.

The age of your shingles, the type of shingles, tree cover, size of hail and exposure all play a part on susceptibility to damage.

If you suspect damage I would advise you not to automatically file an insurance claim since this can affect your rates even if no damage is found by an adjuster.

Having your shingles evaluated by a qualified and experienced inspector can save both time and money when dealing with a potential claim.

Note: If you choose to have a "free" inspection done by a roofing contractor there is always a potential conflict of interest in that they might directly benefit from finding a roof that "needs to be replaced."

Feel free to contact us at (479) 420-4155 to schedule an independent roof evaluation.


Insulation Issues


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